
  • Holiday Gift Guide

  • The Start of Spring at the Farm

                Hi Everyone,  The farm is an exciting place to be this week! As a berry farmer, I think of the start of spring as being when our ...
  • Spring Slow Down

    Hi Everyone,  Last week our family took a spring break trip to Florida. Before we left I was stressed. The fields were drying out and the soil was ...
  • ❄ The Calm Before the Storm ❄

    Hi Everyone, This week has felt like the calm before the storm in a number of ways. First, today literally is the calm before a forecasted snow sto...
  • A Typical Day at Little Hill's Curiosity and Wonder Kids Summer Camp

    We've had few people inquire about what a typical day at summer camp on the farm looks like. And so we wanted to share that with all of you in case you've been thinking about signing up, but aren't quite sure if it would be a good fit for your child. 
  • Pussy Willows

    The blooms of pussy willows, called catkins, have long been thought of as an early sign of spring. This year, as you might expect, they are blooming much, much earlier than we've ever seen at our farm. 
  • Blueberry Pruning Experiments

    Last year we had a great blueberry crop as hopefully many of you remember who came out for upick blueberries. :)  Interestingly though the variety we have the most plants of, Patriot, had a terrible year. Patriot was my favorite and our most productive variety for the first 4 to 5 years we were open for upick. Unfortunately, the last few years have been kind of a dud for Patriot and, as you might imagine, I've been wondering what happened?!?