These Aronia berries were grown by Blue Fruit Farm near Winona and are certified organic. Our Aronia field isn't producing yet, so we teamed with Blue Fruit Farm to be able to offer you Minnesota and organic Aronia berries.
Aronia berries are the superfood of superfoods. They have the HIGHEST levels of antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable. Yep, way more than even blueberries. They have high levels of all sorts of other vitamins and minerals as well including vitamin C.
Aronia berries have a tart and astringent taste. If you eat them straight the astringency will make your mouth pucker. They pair very well with a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup. My favorite way to eat them is in smoothies.
Aronia Smoothie Recipe
1c almond milk or yogurt
1/4 c aronia berries
1/2 c Little Hill frozen raspberries
1/2 organic banana
1 Tablespoon real maple syrup
1/4 avocado (or 2 T peanut butter)