2022 Fruit Share
This is our inaugural year offering a Fruit Share. Our hope is that this is an opportunity to get your weekly fruit locally, from our farm throughout the growing season. The Fruit Share is modeled on how most vegetable CSAs are setup in that each week you will receive a share of the farm's produce.
Since this is our first year there probably are some details we haven't thought of, so we ask that you have some patience with us as we work out the kinks. But we have worked hard to think through as many scenarios as possible so that this new fruit share is a great experience for you and for us! If you have questions, please email us at info@littlehillberryfarm.com.
Details, Details, Details
- The Fruit Share will be approximately 11 weeks starting the week of July 11th and ending the week of September 19th. The cost is $220 and is paid upfront when you sign up.
- Each week you'll receive roughly $20 worth of berries. Some weeks maybe a little more, some weeks maybe a little less.
- We'll be offering a weekly mix of our 3 primary berries - blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. One week it might be all blueberries. Another week it might be a container of strawberries and a container of raspberries. We'll try to switch it up from week to week, but it will also depend on what's ripe at the farm that week. We may occasionally include some of our lesser known berries such as black currants or aronia berries, but we plan to focus primarily on the more well known berries that we grow.
- Pick up days will be Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-7:00 at our new building. The days and times align with our two neighboring vegetable CSAs, Spring Wind Farm and Open Hands Farm. So if you are a CSA member, you'll be able to get your veggies and your fruit for the week in one trip!
Here are some things we will not be able to do as part of the fruit share:
- We will not be able to take requests for what will be in your fruit share each week. If your family doesn't enjoy blueberries for instance (but loves our strawberries and raspberries), this probably isn't the thing for you. It would be a better fit for you to purchase strawberries and raspberries on their own when they are available.
- We will not be able to "pause" your share for a week if you are gone or give you two shares worth if you miss a week. If you aren't able to pick up your share on a given week, you can have a friend or relative pick it up. It's a great opportunity to offer them the gift of delicious berries!
- We will not be able to bring your fruit share to our neighboring vegetables CSAs, Open Hands or Spring Wind, for you to pick up. You will need to stop at our farm to get it.
- We are offering 40 Fruit Shares for this season. Because we haven't done this before we are keeping the number low to make sure it is manageable on our end and we can provide you a great experience.
***Update: We had an overwhelming response to our fruit share offering and we are currently full. We will see if we can add additional shares once we get into summer. Click the link below to join our waitlist. If people who signed up have to drop out or we decide to offer additional shares, we will contact people on the waitlist first.